by CryptCoiners

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Do you know what is Crypto Farming and Yield Farming? Know, but, want to know more about their differences? Let’s decode this, in this article.

The crypto sphere is evolving day by day. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to grow, new financial opportunities arise, including “Crypto Farming” and “Yield Farming.”  

While both of these concepts include utilizing Crypto assets to earn rewards. However, there is a line that distinguishes them; between their objectives and operations. In this article, let us explore the fundamental difference between Crypto Farming and Yield Farming. And, shedding their respective roles in the DeFi ecosystems. 

difference between Crypto Farming and Yield Farming

What is Crypto Farming?

The term “Crypto Farming” is not widely used within the context of DeFi. However, it is not as specifically defined as “Yield Farming.”

Normally, “Crypto Farming” is associated with ‘Cryptocurrency Mining’. Cryptocurrency mining involves validating transactions and adding them to the blockchain, thereby maintaining the network’s security and integrity. Miners are rewarded with newly minted cryptocurrency tokens as an incentive for their efforts in the mining process.

Key points about Crypto Farming (Cryptocurrency Mining):

  1. A Crypto Farmer is commonly concerned with cryptocurrency mining.
  2. Cryptocurrency mining entails validating transactions and securing the blockchain.
  3. Miners are rewarded with newly minted cryptocurrency tokens.
  4. They are rewarded in some parts of the cryptocurrency, they are furnishing. 
  5. Crypto Farmers (Crypto Minors) are one of the key elements of any blockchain. 

What is Yield Farming?

Yield farming is a popular DeFi strategy to lend or stake currencies of users and earn rewards at the same. It is also known as liquidity mining

It moreover facilitates many (cryptocurrency’s) financial activities, together with lending, trading, and borrowing in the DeFi ecosystem. It is held by users – by actively participating in DeFi protocols – when they contribute their tokens to the liquidity pools. 

Here, in yield farming, the rewards are earned (through Yeild Farmers) in the form of interest payments or newly minted tokens. Moreover, these returns are often expressed in ‘Annual Percentage Yield (APY).’

The process of yield farming involves depositing funds into smart contracts, becoming a liquidity provider, and subsequently receiving rewards proportionate to the liquidity provided. 

Key points about Yield Farming: 

1. Yield farming entails lending or staking cryptocurrency to DeFi protocols.

2. Liquidity pools facilitate trading, borrowing, and lending activities.

3. Rewards are earned as interest payments or newly minted tokens.

4. Returns are measured in terms of APY.

5. Yield farming carries higher risks due to cryptocurrency market volatility.

Difference between Crypto Farming and Yield Farming

difference between Crypto Farming and Yield Farming

Based on the information, “Crypto Farming” and “Yield Farming” are not interchangeable. 

The primary is – While “Crypto Farming” commonly refers to cryptocurrency mining, here, miners partake in blockchains, validate transactions and receive newly minted tokens as rewards. In contrast, “Yield Farming” is a DeFi strategy where users lend or stake their cryptocurrency assets within decentralized protocols and receive rewards through interest payments or newly minted tokens.


Other than investing, there are more methods to make a business in the crypto space. Crypto Farming (also known as ‘Crypto Mining’) and Yield Farming are the 2 alternatives that encompass cryptocurrency transactions to earn returns. Hopefully, you have got the difference between Crypto Farming and Yield Farming.

Concludingly, Yield Farming refers to allowing users to lend (or stake) their crypto assets to earn returns. On the other hand, “Crypto Farming” is often associated with cryptocurrency mining, wherein miners validate transactions and are rewarded with newly minted cryptocurrency tokens.

However, it has to be noted that – The Crypto Space is dynamic, hence the terminologies and practices may evolve over different time frames. Hence, taking foremost precautions is necessary before making investments. You can essentially stay updated with the latest developments and conduct thorough research before engaging in any cryptocurrency-related activities.

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